Royalty Free Music library Album Sports Rock Vol.1
The music library Sports Rock Vol.1 with high-quality stock music

On our album Sports Rock Vol. 1 you can find a compilation of our stock music perfectly tailored for your sport-related project. Since stock music for sport is required to fit perfectly to the highly paced action, making the right choice is critical. Whether you are filming a TV commercial, recording a radio show, or developing a fast-paced video game, with this selection of energetic, dynamic and peppy tracks you have a great resource at your disposal. Aside from being full of energy, Sports Rock Vol. 1 also excels with motivating tunes, which means that immersing your audiences in the action becomes a lot easier. If you are shooting a scene including sportive imagery, for example a montage of track and field athletes, the beat should correspond to a tight editing. The soundtrack also has to underline the athlete’s exertion. When the drums mimic pounding heartbeats, and the riffs emphasize moments of success, your audience will be placed in the middle of the action. Similarly, the quality of video games involving sportive game mechanics is heavily dependent on the right audio framework. Since games allow players to control the action, their motivation is even more critical to a game’s success. Especially sportsgames that stress competitive gameplay greatly benefit from a catchy, energetic and involving soundtrack. Needless to say, if you are recording a radio play, your choice of the right music becomes even more crucial. The lack of images has to be compensated by both the narrative and the soundtrack. While these are only a few examples of possible applications, we worked very hard to provide you with a great variety of tracks that you will have a hard time finding in another music library. As a result, our carefully selected compilation of tracks focuses on fast, motivating music. As the target audience for sports-related films or games is rather young, the tracks on Sports Rock Vol. 1 take their cues from a variety of genres. Plurality is of key importance: some scenarios call for hard rock, others for fast drums reminiscent of thrash metal. Likewise, this album offers many different tempi from 84 BPM up to 160 BPM. We hope you enjoy browsing through the music library below.
22 Tracks | Title /ID | Description | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Title: Album: ID: Composer: Description: Category/Style: Mood: Instrument: Tempo: Download: |