Royalty Free Music Album On The Rise

The music library On The Rise with high-quality stock music

Music and film soundtrack On The Rise

Get inspired by this unique collection of rich, deep tracks valued for their emotional power. Ever developing, growing and building, these pieces combine acoustic, orchestral and a pinch of electronic elements to wrap your audience into their delicate optimism and fully captivate them with imaginative and triumphant progressions and melodies.

10 Tracks Title     /ID Description Duration
Title Description Duration
Chasing Summiteers
ID: KF030307
Album: On The Rise
Starting in a light, fresh, atmospheric manner, the track proceeds to climb new heights, as it introduces reverberant vocal elements, cello melodies charming string backing, subtle acoustic guitar and even softer percussion. After calming down once, it then builds all the way towards a powerful celebration of life with full drum and orchestra accompaniment. 03:39
Eternal Hope
ID: KF030302
Album: On The Rise
With a deep, emotional string melody introducing the mood, electronic, arpeggiated synth accompaniment picks up the theme and provides a background for reverberant vocal lines, strings, brass and a gradually building orchestral arrangement. Drums and cinematic drums complete the experience. 03:01
No More Fear
ID: KF030303
Album: On The Rise
A thoughtful, pulsating piano progression gets gradually supplemented and eventually fully enveloped by strings, woodwind staccatos, synthesizers and most prominently a smooth bass line. Later, drums and brass join the mix. 02:46
Take Me On A Journey
ID: KF030301
Album: On The Rise
The track starts with a ticking clock, soft pads and rhythmic, clean electric guitars. Atmospheric brass joins in with rhythmic strings later on. Deep, encompassing percussion and drums perfectly match the number of instruments and level of intensity. 02:40
Northern Skies
ID: KF030305
Album: On The Rise
Chilly, pensive and almost melancholic beginning. Fast cinematic synthesizers build tension towards an epic brass melody. A short intermezzo in the middle builds towards a final climax, where powerful brass and strings drive the message home. 02:38
Castles In The Air
ID: KF030309
Album: On The Rise
Acoustic sounding synth keys together with cello pave the way to a flowing groove with piano, which develops into a low string duet before culminating in a full, bold, shining beat which mixes acoustic and electronic sound palettes in a unique way. 02:36
ID: KF030308
Album: On The Rise
Crystal-clear piano droplets start the track with soft pads and reverse effects in the background. Light acoustic guitar and a tasteful electronic beat join in, together with subtle staccato strings and shaker. As the sound gets richer and wider, so does the main melody. The track maintains a steady rhythm with an emphasis on the kick. 02:21
Clearing Up
ID: KF030304
Album: On The Rise
With a soft, delicate beginning, gradual piano melody introduces its accompaning arrantement: Staccato strings, cello, subtle mallets and synth sounds. The sound gets richer, stronger, more powerful as the song progresses. Drums, brass and a tasteful electric lead guitar take the tune one step further in the end. 02:19
Sunrise Avenue
ID: KF030306
Album: On The Rise
With the electric guitar in the center, Sunrise Avenue builds toward a bold, thought-provoking melody that gets emphasized with epic percussion orchestral arrangements. 02:14
Break Through
ID: KF030310
Album: On The Rise
Positive, confident and mature. With piano, electric guitar and orchestral backing, this track travels from a good present to a better future. 02:11
10 Tracks Title/ID Description Duration









