Royalty Free Music Album Black Prophecy Vol.1

The music library Black Prophecy Vol.1 with high-quality stock music

Music and film soundtracks Black Prophecy Vol.1

Performed by a live orchestra, this masterpiece takes you into a vast world of epic battles, sweeping landscapes and mysterious encounters. Seize the rare opportunity to set your own production to this unique score the fans have come to love, whether it be film, games or other media.

7 Tracks 标题     /ID 解说 長度
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Losing Ground
ID: KF029713
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
A restless, driven orchestral track consisting of four different rhythmic parts. 01:04
In The Face Of Death
ID: KF029714
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
Heavy percussion impacts unleash this epic battle track that grows into a fully orchestrated dramatic finale. 01:26
Sneaky Seduction
ID: KF029708
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
A delicate track that unfolds a mysterious world full of uncertainty and receives a passionate depth through the orchestra. 01:35
Balanced Odds
ID: KF029705
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
A battle track that captures the action on the battlefield through a chaotic composition and makes it audible through the impressive orchestra. 01:36
Mysterious Path
ID: KF029712
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
A mysterious orchestral track that attracts attention with its interesting chord combinations and builds up uncertainty with long held notes. 02:02
Vague Suspicion
ID: KF029709
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
A mysterious orchestral track in six-eight time with choral accompaniment, which describes an unknown world in gentle melody lines. 02:02
The King's Final Call
ID: KF029704
Album: Black Prophecy Vol.1
A tense orchestral track that causes uncertainty and fear through jumping and trembling strings. The arrangement is characterized by long sustained notes. 02:06
7 Tracks 标题/ID 解说 長度









